
I sustained a significant knee injury 3 years ago in which I lost the use of my left knee and had to rebuild it from complete atrophy. After my medical rehabilitation had ended I found significant atrophy and loss of muscle mass still existed. I then sought a personal trainer at the local gyms to continue my strength training and toning. I have gone through several in which their knowledge and training was not adequate to safely rebuild my left leg. It seemed I was teaching them and just another number in their day.

Through my experience with Whitney as my personal defense coach, I hired her to continue my strength training for my leg as well as total body conditioning.

With my experience with personal trainers in the last 3 + years, I have yet to find anyone as professional and as driven as Whitney. It is evident in my daily training with her that her program is specific to me and my needs and constantly thought through on my behalf. She takes the time to individualize for my personal and medical goals. She is a very driven professional who takes this career seriously . She is also just a great person and truly cares about her clients.

I feel very fortunate to have found Whitney and to have her driving me to my training goals! I would recommend her, and do recommend her to anyone seeking a personal trainer who is passionate and compassionate about the clients training goals!

Karrie M.

I am a single mother and a professional who travels frequently. I find myself in and out of parking garages, airports, and hotel rooms as part of my normal routine. I found myself very vulnerable in these environments and sought out Whitney to give me the training and confidence to protect myself and my children. What was more frightening to me was that once I began training with Whitney I became so much more aware of my surroundings and realized further what a target I could have been.

In my training, it was evident how knowledgeable and professionally trained Whitney is in personal defense. She took the time to train me step by step and ensured I could not only conduct and complete a defense but also that I felt the confident in doing it myself if ever confronted.

The increased awareness of my surroundings as I travel and the confidence that I have gained through my training with Whitney cannot be measured in words. Knowing that I can protect myself and my children not only gives me the peace of mind I sought out but also the drive to encourage other women to do the same.

Karrie M.

I have worked with many personal trainers in my life, but never have I worked with someone who has really taken a sincere interest in helping me reach my goals. Whitney developed a plan specifically to help me meet my goals and continuously adjusted the plan to keep up with my progress. Whitney pushes me outside my comfort zone, but also makes the work outs fun. She really is the best!

Jennifer S.

I have tried to lose weight dozens of times by myself and failed miserably. I decided this was something I could not do on my own. I have 3 young grandchildren and want to be an active part of their lives. I needed to lose weight to do this. After working with Whitney, I have lost 14 inches and almost 30 lbs. She makes me be accountable to myself and we have a lot of fun together. I could not have done this without her! I still have weight to lose, but am on my way thanks to Whitney’s encouragement and her knowledge in training.

Susanne A.

I chose Whitney because of her wide range of experience and years of training. She is patient, pleasant, and trustworthy and keeps me on track with form. And, unlike past trainers, she remains attentive through each session. She can teach young and old alike. It is so rewarding to have someone so knowledgeable and I am seeing much improvement in my stamina and strength.

Carol R. (74 Years Old)

I chose Whitney because of her knowledge and experience in weight training. I have lifted weights since my teen years and ran for 20+ years thru my 30s, 40s and 50s, but never incorporated stretching into my programs. As a consequence I became “stiff as a board.” Whitney has been stretching me for eight months, and I am more limber than I have ever been. I look forward to continued improvement in my flexibility.

Don R. (76 Years Old)

In June of 2013 I reached my breaking point. My clothes didn’t fit and I had reached my highest weight ever. I knew something needed to be done. I had tried going to the gym on my own, but I didn’t really know what I was doing, and everyone there already looked like they were in good shape so I was embarrassed. I turned to Whitney for help. I started working out 3 mornings a week in her home with her. This was the perfect option for me. It was less intimidating to work out at her home than at the gym with lots of other people. It was great to have one on one help since I was a beginner, and really had no idea what to do. Whitney provided the encouragement and guidance that I needed. I lost 20 pounds in 2 1/2 months! I reached the goal that Whitney helped me set. I highly recommend working out with Whitney. You will get the results you are looking for!

Kristin O.

I have been ill for some time and unable to get around much. My doctor has been treating me and I am feeling better now. He said that I now need to start exercising to increase my core strength and balance and to get stronger all over. He recommended that I use Whitney Tegethoff as my trainer and he was confident that she could help me. I met with Whitney and she evaluated me with some movement exercises to see what I was capable of doing. I was afraid that I may get hurt exercising because I felt so weak. However, Whitney understood my level and came up with an exercise program that I could do immediately. As I got stronger and better balanced, she progressed the program to keep challenging me. I was able to put my walker down and start walking on my own. I was so excited that I cried happy tears at one of our sessions. She also stretches me at each session and works on muscles that were tight and painful. I love being stretched and looked forward to that part of the session. I highly recommend Whitney as a Personal Trainer. She is knowledgeable, experienced, very patient, kind and just a joy to be around. I look forward to seeing her every session to visit with her as I work hard to get stronger. Thank you, Whitney!

JoAnne H. (67 years old)

I always looked forward to Whitney coming over my house and training me. She motivated me and always had an encouraging smile greeting me at the door. I liked how Whitney would ask how I was doing physically and if she needed to adjust anything in our workout for the day. She had a plan “b” ready for me if some body part ached. I liked the high intensity interval training and getting my heart rate up. It was easier to be motivated when someone was telling you exactly what to do. The variety she offered made the workouts fun. Whitney was an encouragement to have as a personal trainer.

Mary P.

I’m headed off to freshman year of college at Loyola University Chicago, and being in such a big city, my parents and I thought it would be a good idea to take a few self defense classes before leaving, just in case. I attended three Krav Maga self defense sessions with my best friend taught by Whitney. I found these sessions to be extremely helpful and empowering, but what I didn’t expect was how much fun it was as well. Thank you, Whitney, for teaching me how to defend myself!!

Gabby B.

In Home and Online Personal Training